
Showing posts from August, 2019

Sri Krishna - The Historical Perspective !

 Sri Krishna - The Historical Perspective 🍁🙏🍁  Sri Krishna, the all-attractive-one is arguably the most popular God of the sub-continent! He is Megh-varna, the color-of-clouds; Go-pal, the protector of cows; Murli-manohar, who steals hearts by the melody of his flute; and Madan-Mohan who can mesmerize Cupid himself with His beauty.. 🌳 However, this post is not about Sri Krishna, the God. Enough has been said and written in almost all languages of the world about Krishna's super-human personality. I kinda wanted to explore the historical origin of His enigmatic life and hence will try to steer clear of 'FAITH' and focus more on the 'FACTS'. ☘️ From Krishna the God  TO  Krishna the Man I am definitely not the first or the last person to make this effort. More than a hundred years ago, Bankim Chandra Chatterjee had written a remarkable book known as Sri Krishna Charitra, devoted to a scientific study of the life of Krishna. Over this century, how

Samrat Chandragupta Maurya – The greatest ruler in Bharat varsha ( Hindustani & Indian) history !

Samrat Chandragupta Maurya – The greatest ruler in Bharat Varsha ( Hindustani & Indian history Bharat ( Hindustan & India) unified as a single entity for the first time under the rule of the great emperor Chandragupta Maurya (340 BC – 298 BC). Before his rule most of the  oksouth Asia was divided into small states whereas Gangetic Plains were ruled by the Nanda Dynasty. Chandragupta Maurya by conquering most of the Indian subcontinent gave political unity to India and laid the foundation of Mauryan Empire. Though very less information about Chandragupta Maurya’s early days is available but it is assumed that he was born around 340 BCE to a mother named Mura. It is also believed that word Maurya came from his mother’s name. He ruled for 24 years as described in Puranas (historical Sanskrit work). He was then succeeded by his son Bindusara who ruled for 25 years. Bindusara was then succeeded by Asoka in 274 B.C. Information about his ancestry is also ambiguous. As per

Shrimant BajiRao Ballal Peshwa : Greatest warrior and protector of Hindu Dharma !

Shrimant BajiRao Ballal Peshwa :    Greatest warrior and protector of Hindu Dharma Baji Rao Peshwa – I:   History has witnessed the coming and going of many great civilisations. Through its long history, the Hindu civilisation has endured numerous attacks and attempts at its destruction. However, it has also produced a long line of heroes and warriors to rise up and protect their motherland from the fate of every other ancient civilisation. Baji Rao Peshwa was one of the greatest warriors and protectors of Hindu Dharma in the History of Bharat in the 18th century. Shrimant Baji Rao Peshwa (August 18, 1699 – April 28, 1740) : The rebirth of Hindu polity after the Vijainaygar Kingdom under the nomenclature of Hindu Pad Padshahi, well founded by Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, attained shape during the ascendency of the Peshwas.  Expert swordsman, outstanding rider, master strategist and leader by example, Baji Rao I succeeded his father as Peshwa when he was only twenty years of